Saturday 29 January 2011

Chapter Two

“I told you you’d be too late!” Nico announced.
Alessandro bristled, as he adjusted the dead weight in his arms. “Get the door will you,” he barked. India stirred against his chest.
“And just what do you propose we do with her now?” Nico inquired while stepping aside.
“I gave her my word I would look after her, and that’s what I intend to do.”
“You sure that’s a good idea... or are you avoiding looking at her?” Nico quizzed him
Alessandro tensed, so it wasn’t just him that saw the resemblance!
 Basilio entered from the kitchen and stopped dead in his tracks. “Sandro is she...? Tell me this isn’t the problem you spoke of!”
India lifted her head, shaking it slightly as if extremely disorientated. Her eyes darted around the room before her ear splitting scream rent the air and she fainted again. He groaned, the sooner he could get rid of her, the better. She’d had an unexpected effect on him and he didn’t like it. No! It wasn’t dislike, he hated it. Why did she have to look like...? Shaking his head, he adjusted her weight and ascended the stairs. He had to get her out of his arms and away from his body.
“Yes,” Alessandro confirmed, as he left his brothers in his wake. “She was inseminated this morning.”
Placing her down gently on the bed he stepped back, about to turn and leave when her anguished whimper made him stop. She was crying. Alessandro sat in the chair and watched her. As soon as she woke up he would explain the situation to her calmly and rationally, then he would leave. It would be a while before they knew anything and he had more pressing thing to do than babysit this woman. At least that’s what he was trying to tell himself.  Briefly he considered waking her so he could get this over with but the softness of her features held him transfixed and unable to. Ambro had a lot to answer for, he hadn’t only created a nightmare for the family he’d involved innocent people in it.
He hated what he had done to her but what choice did he have? None! He was the head of the house now, Count Alessandro De Gallo, he tossed it around, trying to get the feel of a title he never wanted. His brother had been the one who revelled in becoming the next Count not him and now, he not only had to step into shoes that were too restrictive and polished, he was also meant to marry Leola. And to top it off he had practically kidnapped India who may or may not be carrying Ambro’s child. Finally she stirred and he stepped closer, the scent of her still clung to his shirt, jasmine and honeysuckle and the closer he got the move overwhelming it became. She’s not her! He reminded himself.
The bed was warm and welcoming, the sheets incredibly soft as they caressed her skin. Running her hand under the pillow, she snuggled into it, letting it comfort her. Her dreams were always awful, always the same, but these sheets, she could cocoon herself in them and luxuriate in their warmth. The very obvious male scent hit her and snapped her out of her warm fuzzy place, her heart fluttering before squeezing tight in mid beat. Slowly her eyes opened, her heart needed reassurance that she was delusional about the smell, that she was safe in her hotel room. Her vision was blurry, probably because she always cried in her sleep; it would clear in a minute. The male scent grew stronger. It reminded her of cleans sheets with a hint of musk, she found it quite calming now that she was alert.
“Finally you’re awake!”
Everything came rushing back, cramming itself into her head and rocketing her heart into her mouth as those  words sliced through her like a scalpel. The deep baritone sound shattering her peacefulness as it vibrated through her. Rolling onto her back, she stared at the ceiling, unable to roll all the way over and confront the voice. Her hands clenched the sheets as they lay beside her body, her fingers straining against the death grip as she tried to control her breathing. She couldn’t fall apart now! it was a losing battle as her heart kicking into hyper gear and began pounding painfully against her rib cage. Her body tried in vain to escape through the mattress as the overwhelming fear coursed through her, skipping right over shaking limps into excruciating stillness.
He said he would protect her and instead he’d brought her here, where two other men had leered at her, their eyes travelled over her, sizing her up before blackness engulfed her. How could she have been so stupid? Swallowing the bile rising in her throat, she reminded herself that she was not seventeen anymore, was not naive or without self-defence training.  She would fight this time. Turning her head in his direction, everything seemed to move in slow motion, even her heart and breathing had slowed to almost none existence. Is this how it is before you die, she wondered? A certain kind of peacefulness and clarity came over her.
Her eyes travelled over the man, her so called protector and she wanted to laugh. Could feel the bubble of hysteria near bursting point. His thighs were like tree trunks trying to burst through the flimsy material of his obviously tailored suite. She skipped his waist not needing to see the weapon he would use on her. His crisp white shirt straining to contain a broad muscular chest, the sleeves rolled up to the elbows, emphasising forearms that could snap her. Images of him holding her down gripped her chest. Her eyes itching from withheld tears searched further, needing to detail this monster. Dread tried to consume her as she travelled upwards, could she look into his eyes? did she wasn't to see them? They would shine with darkness and show her his blackened soul.  His square jaw was cleanly shaven and tensed, the cheek muscles twitching. She would reach his eyes next and debated if she really wanted to see them. His straight proud nose, flared. YES, she had seen this all before, only his skin was different, darker. His eyes would hold the same dark cruelty as they blamed her for this. She was exotically beautiful; it was her own fault they would scream at her. Yet she still had to see it for herself. Fear pulsed so hard through her veins that it pounded in her ears, drowning everything out.  Then she saw it, gazing back at her were the eyes of a man who blamed her for his inability to control himself. Steel grey eyes of a predator sizing up his prey. Her head rolled away from the sight that sickened her and she concentrated on the ceiling again, self-defence moves running through her mind.
Just wait till he’s close enough, she told herself. Then grab his balls, poke his eyes, finger up the nose, anything that will stun him long enough to get away. She closed her eyes and tried to order her thoughts through the pounding blood rushing in her ears. Breathe, she sighed, the air leaving her lungs in a whoosh, and the huge intake of breath that followed stopped her lungs from burning as his scent hit her again.
A hand clamped over her mouth causing her eyes to shoot open, startled. His face was a mere foot from hers as his steely, soulless eyes glared at her. The scream that had built lodged in her throat and turned into a painful whimpering sound.
“Don't” he barked. Her hands pressed against his chest and she shoved with everything she had but he stayed stead fast as his eyes narrowed.
“I think that you have caused enough trouble today. Don't you?” and there it was... the blame. Did it make them feel better to have a reason for their actions?
“If you promise not to blast my ear drums again, I will let you go. Otherwise you will be hearing me out like this.”  He growled the sound coming from a deep frustration within him. “no one will come even if you do scream, but my head had had enough trauma for one day. So do us both a favour and be a good girl.”
Her head nodded of its own violation, her body felt dethatched and numb.
“Good,” he said lifting his hand and turning away from her. He rested his elbows on his knees and held his head in his hands. “I'm very sorry India. You shouldn’t be in this mess,” when she didn’t say anything, to scared to make a sound, he continued without looking at her.
“My name is Alessandro, I apologise for not saying it earlier, but at the time all I thought about was keeping you safe and now I have scared you half to death. Please get dressed; I have left your clothing on the bed. Once you are dressed I'm sure you will feel safer. Come down to the office when you are ready and we will discuss what we are going to do with you.”

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