Saturday 29 January 2011

Chapter One

Contracted To Love
Having her dignity spread eagled for the world to gawp at, wasn’t the glamorous experience she’d envisioned. Instead all consuming fear of a man’s touch shot through her. He’s a Doctor, he’s a Doctor, but fight or flight had been triggered, it was taking every bit of self control to keep her bottom in this contraption and her legs in the stirrups. He’s a Doctor! Not a man! A Doctor! She thought, trying to meditate through the bone crushing memories.
                It's Valentine’s Day she reminded herself, there was so much love filling the air that it only seemed right this embryo should be implanted today.
 “Ok, Miss Vallentina, relax and keep your legs where they are for the next thirty minutes. Then you can go,” The Doctor informed her before leaving.
                India Rose Vallentina closed her eyes. In nine months she would be a mother, she’d never have to endure a man’s touch again. Her hands rested on her still flat stomach as she wondered how long it would take until she felt pregnant.
Ten years of therapy and still she couldn’t forget.
                Alessandro strode into the clinic with one purpose. To get their families property back. What had Ambro been thinking?
“Count De Gallo, here to donate?” The receptionist had cooed, while batting her eyelashes at him.
Ignoring her words, he slammed the court order down and waited.    
Lifting the paper, the girl paled. “Could you please take a seat, while I fetch the Dottore?”
Working hard to release tension in his jaw, Alessandro leaned his six foot four inch frame against the counter, folding his arms across his chest. He’d like nothing more than to beat his brother’s blue blood red. Raking his hand through his hair, he pushed away from the counter to greet the Dottore.
“Count De Gallo,” The Dottore said, extending his hand.
“You know why I'm here, comply with this order quickly and quietly,” Alessandro ordered, taking the hand and squeezing it slightly to emphasise his point.
“I am afraid that is impossible, I have just inserted the last of your brothers...” The Dottore paled as he looked, into what Alessandro knew to be, the face of murderous rage.
“I want a list of the women. Immediately,” His tone quiet and laced with deadly venom. He’d only ever been this angry once before.
“I'm afraid I can't do that, your court order doesn’t cover that information. I'm sorry, but my hands are tied.”
“It will be amended immediately,” he gritted out; his father would most certainly have another heart attack if he came back with nothing. “You said you just used the last... I want to see this woman.”  
“She will need my protection as it appears someone in your employment cannot be trusted, the press already know about the donation,” he thrust that morning’s paper at the Dottore and without another word strode past him to the only closed door. The only saving grace is that they didn’t know exactly which clinic yet.
                “Is it time yet?” The soft English voice asked.
Alessandro was stunned momentarily by the vision of understated beauty in front of him. Before unimaginable pain sliced through him, she looked like... No! He braced himself with one hand on the wall. Her long shapely legs were in stirrups. Long dark hair framing an angel’s face, turning to look at him with a smile, so openly joyous, it stole his breath.
“You’re not the Doctor, who are you? In fact, don't answer that. Just get out,” Her face paled and her voice shook with unchecked fear as she grappled with the hospital gown, trying to cover herself.
“No, I'm not.” He said, calmly stepping closer.
“Get out or I will scream.”
“I'm afraid I won’t do that Miss...” he checked the notes. “Miss Vallentina is it? I’m here to protect you.”
“Protect me?”She laughed, the sound slightly hysterical so he continued quickly, they didn’t have much time before the press swarmed like locusts.
“The sperm they used was my brother’s. The press will be here momentarily, they will want your story and also to know... we’re wasting time here, I can fill you in later but right now we must leave.”
“I don't understand. Why would they be interested in me?”
“You are inconsequential,” he said, stepping closer, “It is the baby they will be interested in. My brother, your sperm donor, has recently died and unfortunately the press know he donated.”
He watched several emotions cross her face as she digested what he was saying; hope filled him as her face paled. She didn’t look like she wanted the press to know who she was anymore than he did.
“I... ah, I don't want anyone to know,” her voice quiet and soft.
“Count De Gallo, the press are out front, you must hurry,” the Dottore said through the door and if it were possible, she looked even more fragile.
He extended his hand to her. “Are you coming or am I leaving alone?” He took the gamble in asking her rather than demand her compliance.
“I will come with you but I must dress first.”
“No time for that, at the moment we can get out the back unnoticed but not for long,” he told her abruptly while collecting her things.
She was so pale, her whole body shaking as she put on her shoes. He grasped her arm and hauled her from the room, they had to leave now.
The first camera flashed as they headed for the back door, India gasped and then without warning collapsed. He barely had time to catch her as the next one flashed behind them. Picking her up he walked quickly to the waiting car and thanked god for the blacked out windows.
Cradling her against his chest, he instructed the driver to take him home while pulling out his phone.
“We have a problem, I'm on my way.”
“Happy Flipping Valentine’s Day Alessandro,” He muttered disgustedly. Fate had definitely got it in for him. 

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